The headhunting is a service provided by Bulcon Group as a form of executive/direct search where you as an employer want to attract specific people and you know their names or at least the companies they work for. Providing us with this information, we make the initial approach in a fully professional and confidential manner ensuring you a high success rate with lack of risk for both parties involved. This approach is very useful when preserving your good company reputation is important to you, the market is small, the competitors are few in number, you know each other or you have previous relations with the opposite side that prevent the direct communication. Relying on Bulcon Group to deliver this service you fully benefit from our experience and professionalism and receive a quick solution, efficiency, high quality and full confidentiality.
Популярни Етикети
автобиография висококвалифицирани високопродуктивни високопроизводителни време динамичен заплати икономическа ситуация интервю кандидатура качество клиенти компания конкурентноспособност конкуренция консултиране мрежи наемане Обработка обучения отлагане офис пазар персонал планиране подбор подготовка производителност проучване работа резюме ресурси ръководни служители специалисти спешност съвети съкращаване търсене управление управленски успеваемост хедхънтинг хора човешки